Comparative characterization of Tskhvediani Tetra and Gewürztraminer wine


Tskhvedianis Tetra
chemical parameters

How to Cite

Sordia, E., Dzneladze, S., Kebuladze, E., & Butskhrikidze, E. (2023). Comparative characterization of Tskhvediani Tetra and Gewürztraminer wine. Georgian Scientists, 5(4), 129–133.


Wine is the most diverse product in the world. The production of quality wine is becoming more relevant day by day, which was caused by the increase in demand for the product. The location, the cultivation of the right variety of vines, the rules for maintaining the vineyard determine the quality of wine, and another very important prerequisite is bringing the grapes to the required condition, i.e. ripening, properly managing the winemaking process and storing the wine in ideal conditions [1]. The purpose of the research was to select Georgian and German grape varieties, from these varieties with multi-quality and organoleptic indicators, as well as to make wine suitable for production conditions. Comparing the produced wines with each other and revealing their positive qualities. Georgian-Tskhvedianis Tetra and German-Gewürztraminer were selected for research. Dry white wines were produced using the same technology. Based on the purpose of the research, the main chemical parameters were determined in the wines: ethyl alcohol content, wine acidity pH, titric acidity, volatile acidity, free SO2, bound SO2, sugar content. Wines obtained from Georgian and German grape varieties were compared. The goal of the research was also to get the most similar and perfect taste in Gewürztraminer as it is made in its real homeland, Germany. According to the results of the research, it was established that the wines selected for analysis correspond to the limits established by the standard with the main chemical parameters. The wines are characterized by the organoleptic qualities characteristic of the variety, the wines are gentle and harmonious to drink.


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გერმანული ღვინო [Internet]. Wikimedia Foundation, Inc.; 2020 . Available from: (უკანასკნელად გადამოწმებულია 30/06/2022 წელს).

Morais R. German Wine Regions and History [Internet]. Grapes & Grains. Available from:

(უკანასკნელად გადამოწმებულია 30/09/2022 წელს).

Wikipedia Contributors. Gewürztraminer [Internet]. Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation; 2023. Available from: . (უკანასკნელად გადამოწმებულია 30/09/2023 წელს).

Gewurztraminer Wine Information [Internet]. Wine-Searcher. Available from: (უკანასკნელად გადამოწმებულია 30/09/2023 წელს).

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