Focus and scope

Georgian Scientists (GS) is a international scientific refereed  scholarly open access peer-reviewed journal.

Was founded in 2019 by  Association: "Association for science".

The journal "Georgian Scientists" combines electronic versions of both recent and previously published scientific articles created by Georgian researchers. Journal is multidisciplinary, covers many disciplines, including business, humanities, social sciences, technology, medicine and more.

During this time the journal has introduced the work of a number of recognized scholars to the international academic society.

Our aim are to helps Georgian researchers, with full copyright protection, to individually publish as new articles  as old works that was published in print journals in different periods.  To offer competing papers on international issues to the scholars from different countries, to create a platform for international comparative discussion for different entities, to present important research and to introduce them to the academic circle.

The scopes of the journal are to establish a worthy place among high-ranking international scientific publications, placement in authoritative international databases recognized by scientific circles, free access to scientific papers, expanding an international audience of readers and authors.