Entomofauna associated with Oriental spruce (Picea orientalis L.) in the around subalpine forests of Goderdzi Pass

The paper discusses the species diversity of certain beetles (Coleoptera: Scolytidae, Cerambycidae) and woodboring wasps (Hymenoptera: Siricidae) in the subalpine forests around the Goderdzi Pass in the Khulo Municipality of the Autonomous Republic of Adjara, Georgia, during the years 2023-2024. These species were found at altitudes ranging from 1850 to 2100 meters, associated with the Oriental Spruce (Picea orientalis L.). To identify new foci of entomofauna common on Picea orientalis, in the study area three permanent sampling plots were allocated: Green Lake at 2058 m above sea level, covering 13 ha; Goderdzi Alpine Garden at 1960 m above sea level-9.6 ha, and Beshumi Resort at 1900 m above sea level - 9 ha. The research employed methods such as route-based expeditions, quadrat sampling, insect trapping and identification. The systematic status of the insects was determined using the CABI digital library and the EPPO Global Database, with cross-referencing. To refine the distribution areas of the entomofauna, a Global Positioning System (GPS) was used. The study revealed that the entomofauna of the Picea orientalis within the 1850–2100-meter elevation range is represented by 2 orders (Coleoptera, Hymenoptera), 5 families (Scolytidae, Rhizophagidae, Cerambycidae, Ptinidae, Siricidae), and 8 genera (Ips, Dendroctonus, Rhizophagus, Tetropium, Rhagium, Ptinus, Prionus, Sirex), resulting in the identification of 14 species. Based on morphological research, their taxonomic classification was confirmed, and the bioecology and vertical distribution patterns of the species were studied. Among the identified species are significant pests of coniferous forests, such as Ips typographus, Ips sexdentatus, Ips acuminatus, Dendroctonus micans, as well as harmful entomophagous insects, including Rhizophagus dispar and Rhizophagus grandis. Ecologically point view, there are also "sanitizers" of the forest that help decompose organic matter and contribute to forest fertility, including Tetropium castaneum, Tetropium fuscum, Rhagium fasciculatum, Rhagium inquisitor, Prionus fur, Prionus coriarius, Sirex varipes, and Sirex sp.
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