Current Issues, Ways, and Directions for Preservation of Biodiversity of Georgia

Georgia is an important ecoregion with biodiversity, endemism and relict species. It is ranked 36th in the world according to BDI, and first in Europe according to ABI. According to WWF standards, it is included in the 200 regions, biodiversity of which is unique and needs care. Georgia is included among the 15th and 30th "hot spots" of world biodiversity. Endemics of Georgia are protected by CITES and Bonn Conventions. Georgia's biodiversity is threatened by many dangers, among which the following are relevant: destruction of habitats, their fragmentation, excessive extraction of species, the influence of introduced species on aboriginal ones, environmental pollution, and other risk factors. Based on the collection of existing materials and their analysis, it is determined that today 139 species of animals and 56 species of plants are included in the "Red List", and 6 species of animals and 161 species of plants are included in the "Red Book". Some endemics of Georgia are included in the "Red List" of IUCN. According to the results of the research, it is determined that the biodiversity of Georgia is at risk of extinction, the above species are endangered or vulnerable. The situation is due to the imperfect functioning of biomonitoring, insufficient inventory of forests, ichthyofauna wetlands, biomes, and less convincing ecological assessment. Outdated evidence from the "Red Book" and "Red List" that cannot reflect the current situation. Solving the existing problems requires protection of the country's resource potential, its reasonable use, and full mobilization of scientific potential.
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