Medieval Georgian Glazed Ceramics: Dialogue through Ornamental Motifs

The Kutaisi State Historical Museum preserves ornamented fragments of medieval glazed ceramic vessels, which were mainly discovered as a result of archaeological research of the ancient city. Most of the artifacts are decorated with plant, zoomorphic, abstract and other ornamental motifs. The aim of the present study is to discuss the astral-cosmogonic symbol depicted on the ceramic vessels of the Kutaisi collection – the leprechaun and the rotating motifs, through its manifestation from the early era, comparison with the ornamentation of ceramics of neighboring regions, and search for analogues and analysis of parallels on other monuments (monumental and miniature painting, stone reliefs, embossed icons, textiles). The following methods were used to research the issue: visual analysis of artistic style, palette, and composition; historical and cultural analysis to establish connections with other archaeological finds; comparative analysis with samples from collections in Georgia and foreign countries and the search for analogies. The research revealed that the “borjgali” has been an important apotropaic symbol in Georgian culture since ancient times, it was considered an image of the sun and was expressed in various forms and found reflection in different materials. This symbol has become so firmly established in Georgian reality that it has not lost its relevance even at the modern stage. The search for similar foreign materials revealed the similarity of the nature of the local ornament and decorative schemes with the Crimean, Asia Minor and Eastern (Samarkand, Kashan, Nishapur) ceramics. This undoubtedly confirms that Georgian ceramic craftsmanship did not develop in isolation and behind closed doors, but on the contrary, there were cross-cultural influences and connections with ceramic production centers in the East, West, and North. The results of the study contribute to a deeper understanding of Georgia's historical-cultural context and artistic heritage.
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