Development of the production technological line of Meskhuri Tenili cheese
Cheese is a very popular food product and the demand for it is very high. It is diverse according to the manufacturing technology and therefore has different organoleptic and physical characteristics. Georgia is also rich in many types of cheese, and depending on the corners, different traditional technologies have been preserved, for most of which the standard technology line has not been developed yet. We have developed a standard technology line of Meskhur Tenil cheese, which includes technological parameters and all the nuances of traditional cheese preparation.
საქართველოს კულტურული მემკვიდრეობის დაცვის ეროვნული სააგენტოს გენერალური დირექტორის ბრძანება;
თოფურია ნ., ყველის დამზადების ხალხური ტექნოლოგია, ტ. XIX, თბილისი, „მეცნიერება“, 1978, გვ. 152-154.
Order of the Director General of the National Agency for the Protection of Cultural Heritage of Georgia;
Topuria N., Folk technology of cheese making, vol. XIX, Tbilisi, "Science", 1978, p. 152-154.
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