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Each paper is reviewed by the editor and then sent to two independent referees for peer review. If
the article judged twice suitable, it will be published; If one review will be negative, the article is
sent to the third reviewer; The final decision will be notified authors by e-mail.
Papers can be submitted any time through the year.
Manuscript assessment Criteria:
Structure of the article; Acceptable/Needs improvement;
Keeping the rules of citation; Acceptable/needs improvement;
 Methodological justification and argumentation; Acceptable/Needs improvement;
 News and Contributions in the relevant field; Acceptable/Needs improvement;
Theoretical and practical results of the research. Acceptable/Needs improvement;

Translations assessment Criteria:

The Editor decides to publish the translations after consulting the editorial board  considering the following requirements:
The translation should meet the following criteria:

A. Translation  contributes to the spread of new knowledge;

b. Language meets the established standard;

C. Copyright are  properly reserved.