About some methods towards biodiversity in citrus breeding
The paper provides an overview of plant biodiversity. The opinion is substantiated to illustrate that there are many reports on plant diversity in the literature. It is also indicated that despite the great success of plant world research, society still does not have all the information about the diversity of plants. According to today's research, this number of numerous representatives of the flora includes more than 500 thousand species, and the geography of their distribution is very wide. Following the modern methods of research, the biodiversity of these crops is considered as one of the strategic branches - the support of citrus and, also, an important component of the floristic landscape of Western Georgia. All measures aimed at increasing the spectrum of variability of citrus crops are methodically very justified. Are needed Only methodical Purposeful production of selection. Breeding, first of all, increases the variety of forms, and then it is a good base for obtaining the best varieties and forms. The work describes well-known methods of selection. These measures used to increase biodiversity (hybridization, diploid apomixis, nucellar selection, mutagenesis) are discussed following the analysis of practical results. Such discussion of the issue and realization of measures for the advancement of the main production varieties and forms of citrus fruits (tangerines, lemons, oranges, grapefruits), the industry based on them, we think, will greatly help the production of intensive culture of these plants. A separate issue is the active participation of scientific organizations and qualified personnel for the successful implementation of the issues listed in this zone of production specialization (Adjara).
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