Biodiversity and variety creation of Citrus - some issues of conservation
The article is published within the Batumi International Conference - "Study, Protection, Preservation, Wise Use of Separate Components of Biodiversity".
The Biodiversity of plant varieties is an important component of the floristic landscape of Georgia. The plant, as one of the irreplaceable components of the Biocenosis, in addition to its cosmic role and significance for human existence, appears as the main figure of the agro-food sector. The work, in general, refers to the biodiversity of plants. It is expressed the opinion that, among many others, are interested in citrus crops and their biodiversity, caused by various factors and genetic tendency to mutation-variation. The material presented in the work is based on modern research methodology. The main emphasis is placed on the fact that there are many varieties of citrus crops (lemon-Citrus limon Burm., tangerine - Citrus reticulata Bl., orange-Citrus sinensis(L.) Osb., grapefruit-Citrus paradisi Macf.) and the form is derived from evolution on the traces of the process (variation, heredity, differentiation), adaptation to natural conditions and conscious selection. The biological properties of citrus fruits and proven methods of selection create a solid theoretical and practical basis for obtaining a variety of forms. The Preservation-conservation of numerous varieties and forms of citrus fruits successfully included in the floristic landscape of Georgia and practical measures for the possible expansion of their area will positively contribute to the solution of ecological problems. From the beginning of the methodical selection of citrus fruits, the existing theoretical and practical material and existing experience are a solid basis for successfully solving the task.
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