Students’ Academic Freedom According to the Expert Interviews


academic freedom
students’ academic freedom
university education
free choice
expert interview

How to Cite

Beradze, A., Berdzenishvili, A., Nakaidze, N., Oqrojanashvili, T., & Ketsbaia, K. (2023). Students’ Academic Freedom According to the Expert Interviews. Georgian Scientists, 5(4), 1–13.


    The article is based on qualitative research -the expert interviews. 14 professionals well-acquainted with the educational and university context working in the following spheres: philosophy, science of education, sociology, and the sphere of organizing and management of higher education participated in the research. They were former and present representatives of these spheres, members of non-governmental organizations and representatives of the civil sector who are known to Georgian society via various mass media facilities as experts on education. The research took place in Tbilisi in July and August 2023. Alongside the empirical research, the fundamental scientific works and various secondary data on academic freedom were analyzed. Since the disintegration of the Soviet Union, the universities in Georgia have not made serious progress regarding academic freedom. Though academic freedom is guaranteed and protected by the Consitution of Georgia, the general situation in the country, especially during the recent decade – economic and political instability, vulnerability of labour rights, scanty investment into education and science - does not create profitable conditions for proper development of universities. Therefore, the most important aspects of academic freedom as the condition of arranging university activities and as the fundamental value are still on the agenda in our country. Students' academic freedom is among them as well. Asa resultof the research, it became clear that the academic freedom of students is limited; the factors limiting the academic freedom of students are the following: labour market demands, limited free choice in the process of learning and research; artificial barriers existing in the university management, weakness of the organizations and movements protecting students’ interests, absence of the experience necessary to protect academic freedom, conformist culture, favouritism, hidden mechanisms of pressure and controle, bureaucracy, etc. All these and other factors hinder the realization of students'academic freedom


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