Mechanisms and characteristics of systematic research of the market environment of project implementation
The process of consistent formation of organizational management structures and functioning mechanisms for the implementation of projects requires the use of single-systemic methods of innovation research, processing, implementation and their realization. Existing or expected obstacles in the functioning mechanism are caused by many internal or external factors affecting it, the difficulty of finding and processing a large amount of necessary information. Therefore, it is necessary to use a unified system of research in project management, there should be a unified field of vision, which will include the unified spectrum of management, and not certain parts of it. In this context, the paper discusses the systematic research and analysis of the subsequent management of projects for the purpose of positive functioning in the firm. The systematic approach is based on the systematic view of the object of research, in this case the organization of the firm (object, event or process), that is, the totality of its characteristics and the communicative regularities existing between them, the possibility of integrated consideration and research. Using a systematic approach, it is possible to comprehensively understand the problems of functioning of each structure in the firm (object) in this regard, to identify priority subgroups and to rationalize their main economic characteristics. In the paper, attention is paid to one of the directions of project improvement in the process of functioning in the firm (object). In particular, the targeting of the linear-functional structure in terms of existing circumstances and management, which will be provided by the firm's forces and implement the basic version of the mathematical model of planned actions.
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