Social advertisement as a phenomenon of social and scientific-researching reflection
Contemporary world has been changing constantly, especially, in the post-industrial period. Against the background of significant transformation social landscape is changing as well. Society, simultaneously with the technological progress, is in the process of uninterruptable integration with the new environment. The major part of the socius often has difficulties in overcoming of challenges independently that becomes a ground for new social problems. Social problems represent significant hindering factors on the way of social development. It, with its essence, is general and often exceeds the local limits. Developed society is a foundation of the strong state. Particular mobilization of this group is an unchangeable precondition for future development of the state. Media has a significant impact on the social opinion. It has a skill to change and to fund new standards in the society, to create a solid basis for its future growth. Media presentation of social problems is possible with the support of social advertisement. It is a “noble” of the advertisement which makes all efforts for formation of a better society. A target of the article is to review existing scientific experience on social advertisement; to separate less investigated or not yet investigated aspects of a topic. Contemporary state of researching of the topic has no enviable appearance, especially on the local level. Activation of scientific discussions in this direction is significant to weaken attention towards the issue instead of its strengthening.
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