Talk show - public sphere of media and culture
The present paper convincingly demonstrates the impact of the critical discussions stimulated in the media by talk shows on the changes in the institutional form of modern states. Over the years, talk shows like this have shown that Parliament, as the people's court, is becoming more and more open to public scrutiny. Political talk shows are a way for Parliament to become more accountable to the media. Therefore, it can also play a constructive role in shaping and expressing public opinion. The talk show as a political platform exemplifies the evolving criticism and debate that professionals in various fields try to insert into the idea of the public sphere. The paper will examine the characteristics of the main focuses of media studies, sociologists' opinions in this area. The paper exposes the "electro-attack" on global communication technologies that threatens to destroy local traditions, the cultural heritage of developing countries. And so this tendency is being driven by the fact that second-tier countries are encroaching on commercial systems of broadcasting, engaging in cultural transformation and becoming addicted to a system in which consumer values of talk show override traditional motivations. Today, the world's public administration comes to the forefront of image and secondary language encoding in the medium of optics. Television and radio broadcasters are shaping the fabric of world society. The way in which the social systems of modern world society work is greatly influenced by talk show programming. The primary function of these types of broadcast projects is to engage and participate in the reality of every member of society.
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