Expenses analysis of small and medium enterprises for the competitiveness of Georgian honey in the market
″Small and Medium Entrepreneurship Development Strategy of Georgia for 2016-2020″ approved in 2019 are in line with the basic principles of the Act European Small Business. It takes into account the best practices of EU countries in terms of small and medium entrepreneurship development policy. The main goal of the strategy is to create an appropriate environment for small and medium enterprises, increase their competitiveness, increase revenues, jobs, achieve sustainable and competitive economic development.The opportunity for entrepreneurs to integrate into the EU market is increasing in the framework of DCFTA Agreement on a Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade which is accompanied by the expectation of increasing the export potential of products. Among them, beekeepers have high expectations for a significant increase in the export volume of Georgian honey on the European market. It is known that the demand for honey in the EU market is growing by 6% annually. More than half of the honey needed for consumption is imported, the average volume of which is equal to 150 thousand tons per year[1]. Georgian honey can also play an important role in the import of this volume.There was conducted a questionnaire study of Small and medium beekeepers in Imereti region in order to study the specifics of honey production management and guidance. As the result of questionnaire, a clear picture of the skills and resources of beekeepers were emphasized which they have and use to develop this field. Their interest in increasing their honey export potential is high, especially as they consider the EU market to be particularly stable. Their interest in increasing their honey export potential is high, especially as they consider the EU market to be particularly stable. As the review in the introductory part of the article shows, despite the growing beekeeping farms, there is not radically increasing honey production. However, part of the beekeepers think that the sale of the existing volume of honey production is also a problem if its export is not stimulated for export.The small research presented in the article cannot create a complete picture of the state of the Georgian honey market, but it presents an attempt to find out the problems that hinder the stimulation of the unique Georgian honey production and the possibility of increasing its export potential on the world market at the level of business management.
Small and Medium Business Development Strategy of Georgia 2016-20, Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development of Georgia, Annual Report of the Action Plan for 2019. p.81.
http://www.economy.ge/uploads/files/2017/ek__politika/sme_strategy/me_strategy_annual_report_2019_1_geo.pdf, date (19.09.20).
European Union for Georgia. Beekeeping and honey production in Georgia and the European Union.
http://www.kedalag.ge/images/temp/2020/03/06/68d31d14d6301b04deef114d94c50b85.pdf, research date (19.09.20).
https://www.geostat.ge/media/38833/soflis_meurneoba_2020.pdf (6/08/21).
https://www.geostat.ge/media/24487/soflis-meurneoba_2018.pdf (6/08/21).

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