Georgian Language and Literature of the Lazarev Institute of Moscow chair and Ilia Okromchedlishvili
This article presents the work of the Department of Georgian Language and Literature of the Lazarev Institute of Oriental Languages in Moscow. At the same time, the contribution of Ilia Okromchedlishvili to the development of Georgian national culture is analyzed. The Moscow Lazarev Institute of Oriental Languages was founded on May 10, 1815. The founders of this institution were the brothers Ivan and Ekom Lazar Lazaryan, members of a wealthy and influential family. At the Lazarev Institute, the Georgian language was taught along with oriental languages (Armenian, Arabic, Persian, Turkish...). Famous public figures taught at the Moscow Lazarev Institute: Mikheil Gurgenidze, Petre Nakashidze, Ilia Okromchedlishvili and Aleksandre Khakhanashvili. In 1871, the Department of Georgian Language and Literature was established at the Lazarev Institute. Ilia Okromchedlishvili made a special contribution to the work of this department. During his tenure, the teaching of Georgian language and literature took on a scientific character. According to the institute's curriculum, in special classes, compared to other languages, the Georgian language was allocated fewer hours, but its teaching was carried out at a high level. Under the program compiled by Ilia Okromchedlishvili, students not only studied the Georgian language and literature, but also learned about Georgian culture and history, and were given a certain idea of the nature of the Georgian language. Although Ilia Okromchedlishvili worked in Moscow, he contributed to the revival and development of Georgian national culture with his charity and material assistance. He was friends with Ilia Chavchavadze from St. Petersburg University. This personal closeness continued even after Ilia Chavchavadze returned to his homeland. After Ilia Okromchedlishvili, in 1889, Alexander Khakhanashvili took over the Georgian language department of the Moscow Institute of Oriental Languages and continued his teaching work with dignity. After the death of Alexander Khakhanashvili in 1912, the Department of Georgian Language and Literature was completely closed, both at the Lazarev Institute of Oriental Languages and at Moscow University. The Department of Georgian Language and Literature of the Lazarev Institute of Oriental Languages in Moscow served the teaching of Georgian language and literature faithfully and with great enthusiasm for several years. The Georgians working here were actively involved in the preservation of Georgian culture and, through their activities, always reflected the processes that had been taking place in Georgia since the second half of the nineteenth century.
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