Color Harmonization in Georgian Ornaments
In the paper are discussed the issues of research of the colors used in Georgian ornament. In the Georgian ethnography, the ornaments are represented in a various way as in secular so in the church clothes, shoes, carpet products, weapons, jewelry, stone carpentry, pottery and etc. The ornaments are presented with a rich palette of colors in pictorial iconography, manuscripts and miniatures. Ornament, as one of the important monuments of Georgian cultural heritage, is the representation of national identity and indigenousity. The development of tourism in Georgia was accompanied by the commercialization of ethnographic items and as a matter of fact, we find gross inaccuracies - in terms of forms, origin, dominant colors and decorations. As a result, often, neither the shape nor the combination of colors of the ornaments have anything to do with the old Georgian ornament. There is a danger that the stylization will continue and lack of information will lead to its complete confusion and even to oblivion. In the Georgian sciences ornaments are studied as in the artistic so in the symbolic ways. In spite of existing situation with studies, systemization of the Georgian ornaments is not conducted according to form, color and symbolic peculiarities and their rational usage in the various technologies sustaining and protecting the original forms and colors.
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