Evaluation of proliferative activity of different subtypes of basal cell carcinomas by AgNOR technology
Basal cell carcinoma of the skin represents 75% of primary tumors of epithelial origin. It is characterized by slow growth and rarely gives metastases due to low angiogenic potential, although it has the ability to develop local invasion, tissue destruction and recurrence. Independent prognostic factors of basal cell carcinoma are gender, age, presence of immunosuppression. , bright phototype of the skin, freckles, burns of the skin in childhood, light coloring of the skin and hair. Among the environmental risk factors, the impact of the sun's ultraviolet rays on the skin has been well studied. Ultraviolet B radiation (UBV) generates mutagenic photo-products such as cyclopyrimidine dimer in DNA and induces mutation of the tumor suppressor P53 gene. Ultraviolet A radiation (UAV) has an indirect effect through the accumulation of cytotoxic and mutagenic free radicals. Basal cell carcinomas are often classified as aggressive and non-aggressive. The aggressiveness of a tumor is expressed by the ability to invade deep tissues and possibly metastasize. Micronodular, infiltrative and sclerodermiform histological subtypes are considered more aggressive compared to superficial and nodular subtypes. There are studies, according to which the features of the expression of the proliferation marker Ki67 are associated with non-aggressive subtypes of basal cell carcinomas. The aim of the study was to evaluate the proliferative activity of basal cell carcinomas with low risk of aggressive behavior (nodular, superficial) and basal cell carcinomas with high risk of aggressive behavior (infiltrating, micronodular) at the epicenter and periphery of the tumor using AgNOR technology.
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