Effect of electron irradiation on monocrystalline p-Si+2at%Ge alloy on the characteristics of indentation-induced deformation
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Ключевые слова

SiGe alloy
modulus of elasticity
electron irradiation

Как цитировать

Darsavelidze, G., Shamatava, K., Sichinava, A., Kurashvili, I., & Kadaria, M. (2024). Effect of electron irradiation on monocrystalline p-Si+2at%Ge alloy on the characteristics of indentation-induced deformation. Georgian Scientists, 6(4), 21–27. https://doi.org/10.52340/gs.2024.06.04.03


The regularities of changes in the microindentation characteristics of the p-type monocrystalline Si+2at%Ge alloy irradiated with 12 MeV electrons in the range of 100-1250 mN of the load applied to the Vickers indenter have been studied. The (111) crystallographic orientation planes of the test samples are characterized by a non-uniform distribution of dislocations and a density of 1∙104-5∙104 cm-2. The abundances of dislocations embedded in the crystallization and mechanical polishing processes affect the types, concentrations, and interconversion conditions of radiation defects. The above-mentioned complex changes in the defects subsystem are reflected in structurall sensitive mechanical properties, in particular in the micro-hardness and the modulus of elasticity. They are clearly identified in the changes in the shape and size of the indentation prints and the cracks associated with them. Based on the mentioned structural changes, the characteristics of indentation-induced crack formation and structure fracture were determined, and the contribution of the dislocation structure, localized stresses near Ge atoms, and radiation defects to the indentation-induced deformation of the experimental p-Si+2at%Ge alloy was analyzed.

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