Influence of mechanical polishing on the physical-mechanical properties of monocrystalline p-SiGe substrates
The effect of mechanical polishing on the structural-sensitive physical properties of the monocrystalline p-SiGe substrates has been investigated. Non-monotonic changes in the electrical characteristics, optical absorption spectra of infrared radiation, internal friction and shear modulus values on the (111) surfaces of SiGe substrates treated with a polishing compound containing different dispersions diamond particles have been shown. Defects formed in the polishing process interact with boron and technological origin oxygen and carbon atoms. Defects of deformation origin are formed in the mechanical processing at room temperature. In the absorption spectra of infrared irradiation a decrease of the concentration of carbon and oxygen atoms and Ci-Cs, Ci-Oi, V-O defects have been revealed. It is supposed that the non-monotonic changes in the electrophysical and physical-mechanical properties on the (111) surfaces of SiGe substrates are caused by changes in the electrical activity of defects and mechanisms of the dislocation-defect associations interaction, formed in the polishing processes.
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IR spectrum table and Chart,

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