Resource potential of the cultural tourism localization in Ajara

Resource potential of the cultural tourism localization in Ajara




culture, tourism, pandemic, museum, route


Adjara region is special for the development of tourism and cultural tourism in particular. In this regard St. Batumi has significant resource potential in the form of museums and other cultural attractions. Museums in Batumi are a solid guarantee for creating a competitive base for the development of cultural tourism. In addition to museums, St. Batumi has the resources to organize educational tours both in the city and outside of it. One of these routes can be considered the Batumi Castle located near Tamari settlement. It is important to localize this resource to include it in the main routes of cultural tourism. Both private museums and municipal cultural facilities in the Adjara region are special. It is important to organize infrastructure in the places of cultural tourism localization: access roads, accommodation and catering facilities, bathrooms. Cultural tourism routes - museum road - in mountainous Adjara should become attractive and interesting. The spread of the coronavirus in the spring of 2020 significantly hampered the cultural tourism routes. The pandemic announced by the World Health Organization has brought new challenges to the field of tourism in Georgia, both at the national and regional levels. Now, in the post-pandemic period, even more opportunities have opened up to present the resource potential of cultural tourism in a new way.


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Author Biography

Temur Zoidze, Batumi State Maritime Academy

Doctor of business administration, Founder of the Association of Tourism Guides of Ajara Autonomous republic, Vice-president of tourism Federation of Ajara Autonomous republic


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How to Cite

Zoidze, T. (2023). Resource potential of the cultural tourism localization in Ajara. Museum and Globalization, 1(1), 264–275.




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