The results of the scientific research and excavations held in Kobuleti Municipality villages: Tskavroka,Dagva,Kvirike,Khutsubani in 2022
Beekeeping, folk healer, Gonio, Sachecheli, Georgian-Greek society, TetrosaniAbstract
Scientific Expedition of Staff in Khariton Akhvlediani Museum was held in 20-22 July, 2022, in Kobuleti Municipality Villages: Tskhavroka, Dagva, Kvirike, Khutsubani. The goal of expedition was to collect historical and ethnographic materials (documents, folklore, toponyms, photos, things), seeing population and recording interesting histories from them. Photo-shooting of old houses, every-day and iconic buildings, honored persons, traditions; Filling museum fund with new exhibits. The members of expedition met with chairmen and respected people of mentioned villages. We have recorded information from them about villages and surnames, histories, emigration in ottoman empire, settlement of Greek people in Villages Dagva and Kvirike. We have obtained museum exhibits – 19 ethnographic units. Photo and video shooting of all locations, exhibits and respondents was carried.
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