The Results of the Palynological Studies Carried Out at the Tskheta Necropolis
Lechkhumi, Ancient, Tskheta NecropolisAbstract
The first archaeological expedition (head L. Sakharova) was held at the Tskheta Necropolis (Lechkhumi) in 1962. Fifteen burials dated from the Classical Period (4th century BC – 4th century AD) were excavated. The discovered artefacts are kept and exposed at the Tsageri Museum. Along with the other materials found in Lechkhumi, the materials revealed at the Tskheta Necropolis are investigated and published. It is understandable that in the 1960s it was impossible to carry out palynological studies, since this branch of science was established even in the European countries only in the 1970s. This discipline was started in Georgia about 20 years ago. The organic residues were first collected from the archaeological materials and investigated by Eliso Kvavadze. The excavations at the Tskheta Necropolis were resumed in 2015. Due to the palynological investigations, carried out by means of two methods – Palynological studies Palynologycal and Non-Pollen Palynomorphs (NPP) - the organic residues were collected from the clay vessels, which were found in the burials dated from the Classical Period in the course of the excavations carried out at the Tskheta Necropolis in 2016, 2017, and 2018. There were identified pollen grains of wine-grapes, and vine-yard weeds. Of the NPP, there were defined lots of pollen grains of starch, phytoliths, as well as flax fibers. The latter ones, presumably, represent remains of clothes or linen textile, covering the jug. Tracheal cells of the tree heartwood are encountered in great amounts, proving the existence of wooden constructions in the burial, while, of the NPP, the abundance of ticks could serve as a proof of interring of the deceased in the warm season. This kind of research was conducted for the first time in Lechkhumi.
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