
The procedure for drawing up an article: 

Publication language - Georgian or English

Page I - author(s) name, surname, status;

  Title of the article (in Georgian and English)

Abstract (in Georgian and English) - 100-250 words;

Keywords (in Georgian and English) (5)

Number of pages - 15 pages (including abstracts, footnotes and bibliography)

Font size - 11

Sheet size - A4

Field - up-down -2 cm; on the sides - 2.5 cm

Distance between lines - 1.5 cm

Font - Sylfaen (for Georgian), Times New Roman (for English)

Pages - numbered in the lower right corner of the page

Notes should be placed in footnotes (font size 10)

Internal text verification - the author's surname, comma, year of publication, colon and page number are written in square brackets [Kakhidze, 2017:56]; In the case of several authors [Kakhidze....2002:45]; When referring to a foreign language book, the author is in the original language, and the verification is the same as in Georgian [Gros, 1998:16].

Bibliography - at the end of the article should be arranged in alphabetical order by last name. First Georgian, then foreign editions.

Submit photos independently with JPG extension, no less

300 pixels.

The article should be sent in both word and pdf format.


