The results of the archaeological excavations carried out in 2022 in Kedkedi village of Khelvachauri Municipality (Sindieti)
Sindieti - Khelvachauri, cellar, qvevri, pressAbstract
Ajara Museum – Batumi Archaeological Museum has carried out an archaeological expedition in village Sindieti (team members: Tamar Shalikadze, Emzar Kakhidze, Izolda Dumbadze, Archil Malakmadze, Nugzar Aphakidze). The research was financially supported by Cultural Heritage Protection Agency of Ajara. Primary research was done to scrutinize a dry stone wall and a quite large structure found on the southern part of the cellar, which was discovered the previous year. A square-shaped tank built of medium stones, which was held up to hold the pressed juice so called Isarna, was cleaned. It was once plastered with limestone. As a result, after several days of work, a well-preserved winepress also appeared. As it is known, winepress is one of the first items of equipment related to pressing grapes and making wine. Winepresses built with mortared stone appeared in Georgia from the 10th-11th centuries, which indicates the special advancement of the field of viticulture and winemaking. In Ajara, they are discovered in large numbers in the Machakheli valley, in the villages of Kedi and Shuakhevi municipalities and so on. Fragments of various jugs and jars appear in the territory of the winepress and the tank itself. The cellar should be dated to the early or late Middle Ages. However, until the complete study of the complex is completed, it seems premature to talk about the date. Interesting news await us.
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