Ottoman influence on Ajara according to the materials preserved in the Khariton Akhvledian Museum of Adjara
Yazma, Chadri, Fes Tefelugh, Duval and Vala, Chatkh, Tori, Chataka, Eleg, Feshtemal, Zubun-Faraga, Ichlughi, Sikhma, Chakura, Kabalakh, YakhaAbstract
Doe to its favorable geographical location, important trade routes passing through it, and rich natural resources, Georgia has always been in the interests of various conquerors. Georgia did not escape the aggression of the Ottomans. The Georgian nation did not give up any painful land without a fight, but the abundance of the enemy and the separatism of the feudal lords led to their defeat. Centuries-old domination obviously left its mark and influenced the life and culture of Adjara. These processes are represented by the diverse ethnographic material preserved in the Khariton Akhvlediani Museum of Adjara. That is why the Adjarian clothes in the Khariton Akhvlediani Museum are of particular interest to us, which clearly demonstrate the processes and results of this period. It should be noted that the Adjarian clothes of this time are very diverse. Despite the most difficult historical conditions of our country, Adjara managed to preserve its traditions, artistic individuality and general Georgian look throughout its development, although the influence of foreign countries is obvious. Obviously, the influence of the Ottomans on various spheres of life is much wider, although it is the subject of a separate study.
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