Genesis of ceramic cups according to the archaeological materials discovered in Georgia
clay, cup, genesis, archeology, GeorgianAbstract
Archaeological heritage is one of the most important values of Georgian culture, the main component of which are ceramic bowls. The process of genesis of their shape or decor includes the innovative use of historical materials and technical aspects of decoration. The role of the process of genesis is also important in relation to the technical-technological progress in the field of Ceramics, which makes it impossible without the use of local resources. Among these tasks, it is worth presenting the artistic, semantic and utilitarian purpose of the bowls. In the course of the study of these issues, a type of samples is distinguished, in which based on the archeological heritage, the local artistic tradition continues in a peculiar way. Identity is evident in it. In this process, a dialogue of cultures emerges, which is expressed in striving towards the progressive tendencies of that time. Therefore, acquires great importanceinternational cooperation, for which ceramic bowls excavated on the territory of Georgia will be coordinated with the parallel material of the world, which fairly well represented in the museums of our country. A comparative analysis will be carried out with parallels of the near and far world, represented by samples from the countries of the Middle East, Anatolia, the Black and Mediterranean, the South and North Caucasus, which are in the zone of intercultural interaction. The comparative analysis process will reveal the links between local and parallel material in terms of similarity of shapes, decor motifs and techniques.
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