Burial and mourning rituals (Based on ethnographic materials of Gali district)

Burial and mourning rituals (Based on ethnographic materials of Gali district)


  • Nino Kharchilava LEPL – Batumi Art Teaching University




Ethnographic Gali, Burial and mourning rituals


The paper represents burial and mourning customs studied based on ethnographic materials of Gali district. The death of a person is a significant occasion for society as it refers to the family and its members. Moreover, besides ethical responsibilities, it also included the duties and obligations of the family members. Due to moral traditions, once-established burial and mourning rituals have passed through the generations over centuries. However, they have gradually changed. The ethnographic life of Gali district has preserved old customs. Some traditions are almost originally kept up to now, even though most of them are prohibited by the Christian religion. Customs found in Gali district completely coincide with the data of material and spiritual culture of the Georgian nation, at the same time containing some local peculiarities. Burial and mourning rituals are one of the most ancient rituals in the world’s religious systems. The sources for this paper mainly are ethnographic data obtained by the author after the 30s of the XX century in Gali district. These materials are discussed together with historical sources. While studying the issue, we relayed ethnographic materials by French traveler Jean Chardin, a prominent historian in the XX century Sergi Makalatia, Ethnographer Tedo Sakhokia and other scientists. The analysis of ethnographic materials allows us to discuss the reasons for death, the attitude toward the dead and society, the essence of life and family relationship. Along with the analysis, the conclusions are drawn based on fieldwork materials, observations and analysis. Represented materials about burial and mourning rituals are not complete and thorough, however, they are new materials referring to the not studied issue in this region.


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Author Biography

Nino Kharchilava, LEPL – Batumi Art Teaching University

Head of Teaching Process

Management Department Doctoral/PhD


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How to Cite

Kharchilava, N. (2023). Burial and mourning rituals (Based on ethnographic materials of Gali district). Museum and Globalization, 1(1), 176–185. https://doi.org/10.52340/gmg2023.01.16


