Inadmissibility of Fxed-term Employment Contracts that Cause Corruption in the Higher Education System
PDF (English)

Ключевые слова

fixed-term employment contract

Как цитировать

Goroshidze, G. (2023). Inadmissibility of Fxed-term Employment Contracts that Cause Corruption in the Higher Education System. Georgian Scientists, 5(4), 402–416.


The article discusses the peculiarities of concluding fixed-term labor contracts in the higher education system, analyzes them and highlights their essential features. It is tried to show the corruption threats of such agreements and the need to refuse such an anti-state approach is argued based on the requirements of the law. Instead, the use of a lifetime employment contract is considered to be the only promising approach when solving the issues of employment of academic staff, which is in full compliance with the legislation and the personnel policy of the government.
PDF (English)

Библиографические ссылки

Georgian Law About Higher Education (2023). Georgia, Tbilisi (in Georgian).

Constitution of Georgia (2020). Georgia, Tbilisi (in Georgian).

Organic law of Georgia, Labor Code of Geor¬gia (2023). Georgia, Tbilisi (in Georgian).

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Law of Georgia on Civil Service (2023). Georgia, Tbilisi (in Georgian).

Criminal Law Code of Georgia (2023). Georgia, Tbilisi (in Georgian).

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