The Future of Education in the Epoch of Social-Technological Mutations based on the Experience Acquired and the Challenges Revealed in Relation to the Distance Teaching (Moodle) in the Period of the Pandemic
In the article consists of two parts. The first part is theoretical, concerned with the future of education in the epoch of social-technological mutations and is based on Alvin Toffler’s futurological conception of education and Zygmunt Bauman’s theory of liquid education (A. Berdzenishvili, K. Ketsbaia). The second part is ofthe practical character and is concerned with the experience (personal experience) gained in the sphere of distance teaching and the challenges revealed (A. Berdzenishvili).
• Toffler A. (1970), Future Shock, Bantam Books;
• Toffler A. (1974), Learning for Tomorrow, Random House;
• Bauman Z. (2000), Liquid Modernity, Cambridge;
• Ketsbaia k. (2020), Sociology of education (in Georgian);
• Dewey J. (2010), Democracy and Education (in Georgian);
• Berdzenichvili A, Ketsbaia k. (2022), Modern Sociological Discourse (Modern sociological theories) (in Georgian).
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