Background. Simulation Based Learning (SBL) revolutionized medical education. Today's challenge is to control and improve the quality of the SBL. One way to monitor the quality of the learning process is to conduct regular surveys.
Methods.. 4th year medical students were asked to fill out a questionnaire consisting of Likert scale, to assess the training course and SBL in general. Improvement of their knowledge after taking the course was analyzed on the basis of pre- and post-test results.
Results. Eighty-two 4th year medical students responses to the 35 questions in the questionnaire were positive and the average score was 4.57 on a 5-point Likert scale. Pre- and post-test analysis proved that the course was really productive. The average points for pretest was 20 points (SD=5,39) and 29 points for pot-test (SD=4,64).
Conclusions. “Clinical skills” course has caused a high satisfaction and motivation of the students and improved their knowledge. Knowledge enhancement and skills acquisition took place in a comfortable environment.
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