Srategies for Memorizing Jnformation and Methods of creative Thinking


information memorization strategies
creative thinking methods

How to Cite

Gvinepadze, G., Dekanosidze, S., & Chorckauli, N. (2025). Srategies for Memorizing Jnformation and Methods of creative Thinking. Georgian Scientists, 7(1), 9–18.


One of the main characteristics of the 21st century is the enormous growth of information. Consequently, the selection of relevant materials from this flow becomes a very urgent problem for any sphere of human activity. Therefore, the issue of extracting and preserving the essence from a vast amount of novelty—whether on paper or in electronic formats—while also retaining it in the minds of both the older and younger generations, becomes increasingly pressing. In order to solve the above-mentioned problem or, at least, to alleviate it, specialists have developed a number of recommendations, the consideration of which, as practice has shown, can bring tangible results in improving the ability to memorize information. This article examines in detail one of the outstanding works carried out by foreign specialists in this area. In addition, the value of the recommendations presented in it is assessed. Studying these tips and applying them in practice allows people to quickly and permanently remember the necessary information, sometimes for a lifetime. The following opinion expressed in the said article deserves special attention: “Good memorization is not an exclusive property of an elite group of people born with such talent - anyone can practice and develop the ability to memorize information.” But the fact is that the direct transfer of these tips does not always give the desired effect, especially for people who do not speak English. However, we believe that their modification, taking into account the local situation and the language world, is usually justified. At the same time, we have shown that after some modifications of the listed recommendations, almost all of them can be used. The presented article examines the steps taken in this direction by Georgian scientists, including the authors of this article. In particular, almost every recommendation described in the source offers one or another innovation. In addition, the authors of the article emphasize the close connection between the development of information memorization strategies and the discipline of creative thinking. Here we note that we also teach subjects in this area to undergraduate and graduate students at the departments of the Faculty of Computer Science and Control Systems of the Technical University of Georgia. Based on the close connection of the topic discussed in the article with the discipline of creative thinking, we express the following opinion: The recommendation stated in the chapter of the discussed original source should receive an even wider arena. In particular, we believe that the material to be learned should not only be well explained, but before attempting to solve any, especially difficult, problems, one should turn to approaches known in the field of creative thinking. In the article, we described some notable works of Georgian innovators in this area, which have attracted the interest of foreign scientific publications.


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