Creation of a Software Model with a Graphical User Interface for simulating the processes of functioning of subsystems of information and cyber protection of Distributed Information Systems of Critical Infrastructures
This article is dedicated to the development of a software model with a Graphical User Interface (GUI) to simulate the process of ensuring information and cyber security of information systems (IS) of Critical Infrastructure objects (CI) based on the analytical model developed by the author of this article. The specified software model with a GUI makes it possible, using the controls located on the main panel, to set the input parameters of the simulated object and observe its output characteristics using appropriate visualization elements such as special windows for displaying calculated numerical values of the main characteristics of the systems under study.
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Ramaz R. Shamugia, Development of the Software Application with Graphical User Interface for One Model Cyber Security, International Journal of Communications, Network and System Sciences Vol.12 No.12, Pub. Date: December 13, 2019, DOI: 10.4236/ijcns.2019.1212014 ;
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