Analysis of structural features of Georgian traditional clothing and formation of an electronic bank
At the modern stage, one of the aspects of the fashion trend, ethnostyle, occupies an increasingly important place in the fashion industry and clothing design. An interesting material for the development of ethnostyle in modern design is Georgian traditional clothing, distinguished by delicate beauty, elegance and special decoration. Georgian traditional clothes, as the primary source of designer's creative activity, require accessibility and a special connection for modern people. But, to date, only museum specimens have survived and physical contact with them is very limited. Over time, museum samples of national costume will become more important and valuable, and access to them will be even more limited, while the interest of specialists in them will not only be preserved, but will even increase. Therefore, it is necessary to find such a connection when it will be possible to obtain comprehensive and reliable information about the traditional costume without direct contact with the historical sample. Solving such a task requires the formation of an appropriate database that will systematize information about traditional clothing. The scientific article discusses the analysis of the structural features of Georgian traditional clothes and the issues of the formation of an electronic bank on the example of one of the important structural elements, the sleeve. The results of the research will be taken into account in the process of forming an electronic bank of structural-compositional characteristics of Georgian traditional clothes. According to the electronic bank of structural-compositional characteristics of traditional clothes, a program will be compiled, through which the interested person will have the opportunity to find the necessary information about the traditional clothes of different regions of Georgia. The use of the mentioned program will allow the costume designer to quickly focus on creative activities.
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