Clinical and Immunological Study of the Effectiveness of the Medications, Lazolex and Zovirax, during the Complex Treatment of Chronic Recurrent Herpetic Stomatitis
At present, our country continues intensive research to find and introduce into practice new natural medicinal preparations made from ecologically pure endemic plants of Georgia. An example of such an agent in the Iveria-Pharma company is a Georgian medication - LAZOLEX (extract of the pericarpium of an unripe walnut), which has passed the necessary preclinical tests and now is used as an antiherpetic agent. We found positive immunotropic effects of Lazolex on healthy volunteers. Therefore, we considered it necessary to study the antiviral effects of the drug and its immunomodulatory properties in a clinical setting, specifically its effect on chronic herpetic stomatitis. First of all, it was shown that the immune system status of the patients was in an apparent correlation with the severity of the course of herpes stomatitis, i.e. the most severe immunosuppression was recorded in patients with severe stomatitis. It should be noted that this medication not only doubles the efficiency of the results of antiviral treatment but also serves as an immune restoration agent in patients with herpetic stomatitis. As a result of a parallel study of Zovirax and Lazolex, a high clinical activity of both drugs was recorded. However, the presence of pronounced immunocorrective properties of Lazolex manifested itself in an improvement of the quality of patient treatment: active tissue regeneration and a significant decrease in the timing of exacerbation of local herpetic lesions, an increase in the duration of remission. Conducted clinical, laboratory, and immunological studies allow us to recommend Lazolex for active use in dental practice for viral diseases.
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