Pharmacological potency of the different polarity fractions from the Rosa damascena Georgian cultivar oil waste aqueous extract
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Damask rose (Rosa x damascena Herrm) is a well-known species within the genus Rosa L. cultivated in numerous countries due to its ornamental properties and especially for the valuable essential oil found in its flower petals. The latter has been utilized in perfumery, cosmetics, aromatherapy, and medicinal treatmentsfor centuries. Overall, the studies on R. damascena provide promising insights into its diverse effects and applications. However, it is important to note that further research is needed to validate these findings and fully understand the mechanisms underlying the observed effects. The present study aimed to assess the pharmacological features of the potency of the different polarity fractions RDF-H2O, RDF-50% and RDF-100% derived from the aqueous extract of rose oil waste from the R. damascena Georgian cultivar. In the carrageenan-induced acute inflammation model in rodents, it was established that all three fractions - RDF-H2O, RDF-50% and RDF-100% have an anti-inflammatory effect of higher-than-average strength. Among them, RDF-50% was significantly more active and, caused the 62.5% inhibition of the edema. A similar efficacy trend was revealed when evaluating the analgesic properties in mice in "Hot plate" model, but the most powerful analgesic effect was shown by fractions RDF-50% and RDF-100%, the maximum effect of which (86.0 and 99.7%, respectively) was observed 1 hour after administration. As a result of the experiment on the gastric ulcer model caused by absolute ethanol in rodents, it was revealed that the samples RDF-H2O and RDF-100% have a gastroprotective effect of medium strength (48 and 40%, respectively), whereas RDF-50% appeared less effective. The findings of current study highlight the potential of further investigation of the above-mentioned fractions to identify individual constituents responsible for the observed pharmacological effects.
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