Preparation and research of natural water ultrafiltration membranes based on polyethersulfone
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Javashvili, Z., Bibileishvili, G., Gogesashvili, N., Kakabadze, E., Kezherashvili, M., & Butkhuzi, T. (2024). Preparation and research of natural water ultrafiltration membranes based on polyethersulfone . Georgian Scientists, 6(4), 350–354.


Polyethersulfone microfiltration membranes were successfully obtained from casting compositions of 15% polyethersulfone in DMAc. PEG 300, PEG 600 and LiCl were used as additives. The influence of the additives on the characteristics of the membranes was studied in detail both separately and in the complex. DLS of the solutions, as well as FTIR analysis of the solutions and obtained membranes were performed. It was determined that the simultaneous use of additives has a more significant effect on the characteristics of membranes than the use of each additive separately. The membrane precipitated from the PES /PEG 600/ LiCl/ DMAc pouring solution was the best in terms of structure and producttvity index (1985 L/m2h) among the obtained membranes.
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Библиографические ссылки

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ბიბილეიშვილი გ.ვ,. გოგესაშვილი ნ.ნ., კეჟერაშვილი მ.გ.,მამულაშვილი მ.ა., კაკაბაძე ე.გ., პოლიმერული კონფორმაციის გავლენის კვლევა მიკროფილტრაციული მემბრანების მახასიათებლებზე. საქართველოს საინჟინრო სიახლენი, ტ.100,1 78-81, 2024, .

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