Theoretical and experimental study of the tangential baromembrane process through the implementation of turbulent flow
The paper presents a theoretical and experimental study of the turbulent flow for the ultrafiltration process for a pressure chamber of variable geometry. For two experimental pressure camber, the range of turbulent flow velocities for varying heights of the pressure chamber was determined theoretically. Experiments were conducted on distilled water under different geometries of the pressure chamber. The obtained results showed us that for the ultrafiltration process, during the turbulent regime, when the height of the pressure chamber is lower, the specific productivity is higher.
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გ. ბიბილეიშვილი,.ლ. ყუფარაძე,ზ. ჯავაშვილი, თ ბუთხუზი „ბუნებრივ წყალზე მიკროფილტრაციით მიღებული ზოგიერი ექსპერიმენტული მონაცემთა ანალიზი “საქართველოს ქიმიური ჟურნალი ტ.19 №1 2019.
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