Study of the influence of the basic-acidic nature of the non-solvent on the characteristics of membranes obtained by phase inversion


Coagulation Bath
phase inversion

How to Cite

Gogesashvili, N., Bibileishvili, G., Ebanoidze, L., Kakabadze, E., Javashvili, Z., & Butkhuzi, T. (2024). Study of the influence of the basic-acidic nature of the non-solvent on the characteristics of membranes obtained by phase inversion. Georgian Scientists, 6(4), 360–364.


 In the paper, a 15% polyamide (PA) polymer composition obtained in lithium chloride   dimethylacetamide (DMAc) ( PA/DMAc/LiCl ) was used to create new filtration membranes. The role   of the basic-acidic nature of the non-solvent in the deposition of membranes by the phase inversion method at 20℃ and 60℃ was investigated. It is established that both the composition of the non-solvent and the temperature have a significant effect on the characteristics of the obtained membranes. Pore ​​sizes of N1-N8 membranes are determined by bubble point method. And the morphology and structure of the membranes were studied with a scanning probe microscope (SPM, Certus standart V, Nano Can technologies Ltd). Among the obtained membranes, the better productivity and surface topography was found for the membrane precipitated in acidified water at 50 ℃.


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