Impact on the environment and expected results of the highway construction process
PDF (English)

Ключевые слова

Environmental protection
road reliability
difficult terrain
open slopes
Destruction of slopes

Как цитировать

Baratashvili, M., Gamkrelidze, E., & Baratashvili, T. (2024). Impact on the environment and expected results of the highway construction process. Georgian Scientists, 6(3), 255–260.


The article discusses the peculiarities of construction of highways in difficult relief conditions, the expected dangers affecting the environment and the highway, which arise in case of opening the slopes on the terrain on the side of the road. The measures are presented, if they are taken into account, the reliability of roads increases and the scale of negative impact on the environment during its construction and operation is significantly reduced.
PDF (English)

Библиографические ссылки

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