For the problem of digitalization of the chemical substances
Characteristics of chemical substances or functional groups can be presented with different signals. In general, the signal is called the parameter of the process we use to refresh, register and for transmission. There are lots of signal transmissions and processing example: Human sensory organs (visual, hearing sensations) signals the brains to provide information to the environment with different information and in the brain to process the signals and make decisions on the brain by the brain. The task of processing the signal function of the chemical substance is to identify the existing data in the signal and convert them to make a decision in a convenient form that serves the determination of the chemical compound. The signal analysis underlines not only its mathematical transformation, but also the conclusion of the conclusions of the specific processes and objects as a result of this transformation.
The goal of the signal analysis can be:
- Determine the numerical parameters of the signal;
- Dispersal of the signal as an elemental parameter to compare the different signal characteristics;
- Quantification and assessment of dependence between signals.
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