Hydroelectric power resources potential regulation of Western Georgia
Hydro resources take the first place among the natural resources of Western Georgia. The Enguri and Rioni rivers are the largest among the energy ones. The Black Sea basin rivers, are particularly characterized by waterlogging, high fallout, fast currents and high energy potential. It is clear, in the future, the demand for electricity in western Georgia will be balanced by the growth of hydropower plants, safe construction, which will allow us to export some electricity abroad and strengthen the country's economy. The rivers of western Georgia are fed by glaciers, which cause fluctuations in river levels according to the seasons. During the winter, the energy consumption generated by hydropower plants increases and the generation rate is low due to lack of water. This is why heat generation occurs, which is 28% of total energy production in winter. Most of the hydropower plants are out-of-date and need to be modernized to increase efficiency; in many cases, reservoirs are not filled, processed, met design requirements, and the needed energy is not accumulated for a deficient period. Each type of power plants has different intensities of impact on the ecological balance of the country's nature. Some types of power plant impacts may have a slight influence on environmental conditions; such power plants include hydropower plants. An alternative way to deal with the energy threats, that face the future generation is to raise the level of awareness of the population and mobilize their intellectual potential. The main focus of the Sustainable Energy Crisis is to develop a national security strategy and establish a system; Gather educated people and minimize energy losses.
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