Forest fires and modern technologies of fighting with them
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Bzhalava, N., & Metskhvarishvili, M. (2023). Forest fires and modern technologies of fighting with them. Georgian Scientists, 5(3), 39–42.


The article discusses the forest fires, one of the main risk factors for the disturbance of the ecological balance of the natural environment and the destruction of forests. The modern technologies for combating with it are described, in particular the role of drones. Forest fires are very different from city fires. Their control is difficult, sometimes impossible, and poses a greater threat to humans and the environment. Drones can play a critical role in forest fire detection, containment and suppression. Introduction of the new fire fighting technologies is an important issue.
PDF (English)

Библиографические ссылки

თ. კანდელაკი, საქართველოს ტყის რესურსების პოტენციალი. თბ. „სიახლე“. შრომები. ტ.6, 2008 წ. გვ 265-282.

სსიპ ეროვნული სატყეო სააგენტოს სტატისტიკური მონაცემები. 2023წ.

M. Yandouzi, M. Grari and et al. Review on forest fires detection and prediction using deep learning and drones. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology. Vol.100. No 12. 2022.

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