Comparative analysis of the penetration of different generation adhesive systems via using the visioscopic method
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Ключевые слова

adhesive materials
Visioscope Method

Как цитировать

Zarkua, E. ., Mamaladze , M. ., & Burkadze , G. . (2022). Comparative analysis of the penetration of different generation adhesive systems via using the visioscopic method. Georgian Scientists, 4(4), 329–342.


The regular use of adhesive systems has revolutionized many aspects of restorative and preventive dentistry. Attitudes toward cavity preparation have changed since adhesive systems began to be used instead of mechanical retention. Using this technique, it may prevent micro-leakage as the main dental problem responsible for many cases of secondary caries. Therefore, adhesives are of crucial importance in esthetic restorative dentistry. The degree of penetration of IV, V and VII generation adhesive systems in different types of teeth was studied using the visioscopic method. It was shown that the adhesive system of the VII generation compared to the adhesive systems of the IV and V generations is characterized by a reliably low penetration, which may be the basis of a better result.
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Библиографические ссылки

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