The article considers the role and importance of the construction sector in the country's economy and its development. It also mentions the problems that exist in the sector, as well as the impact of the pandemic on the construction business both across the country and in the Imereti region.The paper also discusses the issues of investment in the construction sector. The article presents the results of the research, the analysis of which projects a picture of the quality of construction, prices for per square meter and the difficulty of issuing permission documentation in the construction sector. The problems that hinder the development of construction in the region are also mentioned. In particular:
- Instability in the economy;
- Lack of support from the State;
- Exchange rate fluctuations;
- Lack of investment.
In addition, the respondents' recommendations in different directions are given. These include:
- Ensuring the high quality of construction, which can be achieved through the high level of involvement of highly qualified specialists;
- Focus on improving education and professionalism;
- Availability and high quality of construction materials,
The consideration of these recommendations, in their opinion, will contribute to the development of the construction industry both in the region and at the country level.
The article presents the following views and advice from the authors:
- Financing the use of modern technologies and materials;
- Improvement of the legal framework, which will simplify procedures for issuance of construction permits;
- Price controls on construction materials or implementation of co-financing for the purpose of support.
- Conducting large-scale marketing studies to identify the factors that hinder the development of the construction industry, both at the regional and country level.
All this is considered from the point of view of scientists, and their implementation in practice will help the sector to conduct its activities effectively.
ანა კაკურია– სამშენებლო ინდუსტრია, როგორც ქართული ეკონომიკის წამყვანი ძალა –სფეროს 2021 წლის გამოწვევები
საქართველოს სტატისტიკის ეროვნული სამსახური https://www.geostat.ge/ka/modules/categories/80/mshenebloba
დავით ნარმანია, ნინო ზურაშვილი -კორონა ვირუსის გავლენა სამშენებლო ბიზნესზე საქართველოში, https://dspace.tsu.ge/bitstream/handle/123456789/835/Covid%2019%20Pandemic%20influence%20on%20construction%20business%20in%20Georgia.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y
ხათუნა არაბული -სამშენებლო საწარმოების ეკონომიკური ქცევის პრობლემები და მათი გადაჭრის გზები საბაზრო ეკონომიკის პირობებში, https://geoeconomics.ge/?p=1855
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