Results of ethnobotanical research on the areas surrounding the Goderdzi Pass (Adjara, Georgia)
The article discusses the results of ethnobotanical research conducted in 2022-23 in high mountain Adjara at an altitude of 1800-2200 m above sea level, near the Goderdzi Pass, Beshumi, Uchkho, Verkhnari, Alme, Bodzauri, Didachara summer camps. The population of the mentioned villages summer camps still retains traditional ethnobotanical knowledge that has been lost over time. For the study, the method of ethnobotanical survey and recording of interviews using a precompiled questionnaire was used. 35 women were interviewed. Most participants are over 45 years old. As a result of the research, information was recorded on 37 wild species, which belong of 21 families and 37 genera. In the study areas, 29 species are used for medicinal purposes, 10 species for food and 12 species for technical purposes. Among the studied plants, 4 species are endemic of the Caucasus, 1 species is endemic of Georgia, 1 species is protected by the Red List of Georgia, 7 species are protected by the IUCN. For each medicinal species, a folk recipe for use is written down.
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