1.1 Agricultural and Biological Sciences 

Blackberry species endemic to the flora of Georgia - Rubus cyri Juz. Microstructural features of above-ground vegetative organs

Rubus cyri Juz endemic plant of Georgia vegetative organs anatomy Diagnostic features


The anatomical structure of the above-ground vegetative organs of Rubus cyri Juz., an endemic plant of Georgia, has been studied. Diagnostic characteristics of the microstructure of R. cyri are established on the basis of camera methods of research adopted in microtechnics. The basic cells of the internodal epidermis of the Sprout are arranged in an orderly fashion, and between the cells of the epidermis, an encyclocyclic (polysect) type of stoma apparatus is differentiated. The abaxial epidermis of the leaf is linear, the adaxial epidermis is curved, and both are equally weakly curved-walled. In the abaxial epidermis of the leaf there are stoma.

The transitory system of the axial organs of R. cyri is bundle, the difference is expressed in the number of vascular bundle through the internodes of the shoot, the leaf stalk, and the main vein, and in their tight or loose attitude to each other. Vascular bundles present in axis organs and leaves are vascular-fibrous collateral structures, represented by an isolated cambium. Tracheids, conducting vessels, and fiber cells of different caliber are reflected in the conductive cone wood; The thickening of the inner lining of the tracheal tissues is alternately porous and spiral.

The leaf plate of R. cyri has a bifacial shape, hypostomatic, dorsoventral structure; The internal structure of the spine of R. cyri is almost uniform, its strength is determined by the presence of mechanical type, collenchymal cells and thick-walled polygonal cells.

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