The internal anatomical structure of the above-ground vegetative organs of S. nigrum from Georgian flora - a rich source of physiologically active compounds, has been examined using conventional laboratory methods used in microtechnics. The study revealed diagnostic markers in the anatomical structure of a prospective medicinal plant. S. nigrum's aboveground vegetative organs are covered with conical, multicellular, hooked villis and rare spheroidal glandular trichomes. Anisocytic type stomata apparatus is distinguished in the covering tissue of the vegetative organs, though anomocytic stomata are also observed. The conductive system of S. nigrum shoots is monocyclic. Xylem contains a network of tracheidal small-caliber and spirally thickened large-caliber openings of conductive vessels. S. nigrum has bifacial leaves with dorsoventral mesophyll, an amphistomatic structure, and a reverse-collateral type conducting bundles. The basal cells of the leaf's upper and lower epidermis are curvilinear and have concave walls. A mixed form of collenchyma is observed in petiole. The outline of the transitional tissue is arcuate; conductive tissue has collateral structure.
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