Is the selective accumulation of oldest centrioles in stem cells the main cause of organism ageing?
All molecules, structures, cells of organisms are subject to destruction in the process of vital activity. In the organisms of multicellular animals and humans, the process of regeneration is always taking place: the destruction of old cells and their replacement with new ones. Cells are replaced even if the cells are in perfect condition. The earlier the body destroys the matured cells and replaces them with new ones , the younger the body is (the higher the rate of regeneration). Stem cells are the precursor cells of all differentiated cells. Asymmetric division of the mother stem cell gives rise to one, analogue of the mother, daughter cell and another daughter cell that follows a further differentiation pathway. Despite such asymmetric division, the pool of stem cells decreases over time. Moreover, the intervals between stem cell divisions are increasing. The combination of these two processes leads to a decrease in the rate of regeneration and ageing of the organism. During asymmetric division of stem cells, daughter cells, with preserved stem cell potency, selectively retain mother (old) centrioles. Unlike nuclear DNA molecules, repairs do not occur in centrioles. Hypothetically, old centrioles are more susceptible to destruction than other cell structures—making centrioles a potentially structure of the ageing of organisms.
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