Mineral ice cream improves recovery of muscle functions after exercise
The accepted view is that animal-type organisms originated in the ocean/sea depths and then some of them migrated to land. Consumption of the electrolyte composition of deep sea water (below 200 meters) is expected to moderate the presence of organisms under terrestrial conditions. It is a fact that dehydration caused by prolonged exercise inhibits thermoregulation, reduces endurance and exercise performance. Studies conducted on animals and humans confirm that the water obtained from the depths of the sea and subsequently softened has a positive effect on the physiology of the body and the correction and prevention of pathophysiological changes. Such seawater has been shown to enhance hydration recovery and exercise performance after a dehydration exercise protocol better than bottled (de-chelated) mineral water and/or sports electrolyte drinks. We have found that water taken directly from a mineral water source (rich in chelates) or mineral ice cream made from it (preserved by chelates) is better than water from the deep sea. Chelates are compounds formed by a bond between a trace element ion and an organic ligand. Chelates form stable complexes, protect microelement ions from unwanted reactions in the environment. It is an established fact that the absorption of microelements in the body is improved in the form of chelates. Chelates are diluted in mineral water and remain on the surface of the source for 40-65 minutes. Mineral ice cream is a food product made by pouring fresh water and milk from a spring and then freezing it. Dissolving mineral water in milk preserves more than 76% of the chelates as long as the mineral ice cream is frozen. In this way, it is possible to provide many people with mineral ice cream, so that their bodies can adapt to life on land.
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