Using Autoplasma in Treatment of Secondary Arthrosis, Developed from Dislocation of TMJ Disc
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Ключевые слова

Secondary Arthrosis
TMJ Disc

Как цитировать

Gvenetadze, . G., Orjonikidze , Z., Metreveli, K., Gvenetadze, Z., & Toradze, G. (2021). Using Autoplasma in Treatment of Secondary Arthrosis, Developed from Dislocation of TMJ Disc . Сборник научных трудов ТГМУ, 53, 35–36. извлечено от


22 patients diseased with secondary arthrosis, developed from dislocation of TMJ disc, were observed by the authors of the article. Between these patients were 17 females and 5 males. The age of patients was from 21 to 60 years. In the clinical case, the leading symptom was constant or periodical pain, located at the injured joint, limitation of mandibular movement, aggravation of pain while moving jaw and was attached with clicking in joint. In the complex treatment of this problematical disease, successfully and for the first time was used autoplasmolifting. Authors injected autoplasma once in 5-6 days, 6 injections on one course of treatment. After noted treatment, 18 patients all the symptoms were released, 4 patients condition got better there was slight pain left, while moving jaw. In 1 patient's case, the neuralgia of III branch of the trigeminal nerve was diagnosed and he received suitable treatment. In 3 cases there was necessary to include orthopedic/orthodontic treatment.

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